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Reading and Spoken Language
The ability to read fluently is essential for students to access our curriculum and be successful at secondary school.
At Beacon, students read in all their subjects. Teachers guide them in reading of subject specific texts including graphs and diagrams. In many lessons, teachers use technology (visualisers) that allows students to see what is being read to them so they can follow and annotate their own copy of texts. This focus on reading across the curriculum ensures students become familiar with and fluent in subject specific language and textual features and more adept readers in general.
Equally, we consider the ability to speak eloquently, to articulate ideas and thoughts, to influence through talk, collaborate with peers and have the confidence to express our views as vital skills. We want all our young people to have a voice, both literally and metaphorically.
A culture of purposeful talk is embedded. Spoken language is planned into the curriculum and we teach students how to express themselves verbally in a range of different scenarios, whether giving an extended answer in response to a question from a teacher, engaging in a whole class debate, working in small groups to solve a problem or delivering a presentation in front of their class.
We recognise that spoken language is integral to the learning process. In lessons, teachers use structured talk to support students in developing their ideas, nuancing their understanding and reflecting on their learning.
Our classroom standards for spoken language
We use MARK as an acronym to summarise our expectations of our students and the culture of learning that we foster.
We support and encourage our students to be:
Motivated: Sit up straight, listen carefully, ask and answer questions, track the speaker, no interrupting, make eye contact.
Articulate: Speak in full sentences, hands away from mouth, project your voice, engage others in discussion and listen sensitively.
Resilient: No opt out, give an answer even when you are unsure.
Knowledgeable: Speak like an expert, use a wide vocabulary, be proud of your knowledge and demonstrate this.
Students in Year 7 and Year 8 are enrolled on a computer programme called Accelerated Reader (AR) which enables English teachers and parents to manage and monitor children’s independent reading practice. Accelerated Reader can be accessed by all via the ‘links’ section of EduLink.
Our Library offers a variety of over 4,000 books, most of which are registered on Accelerated Reader. Our books are all clearly labelled with accurate ZPD levels to ensure that students can find the book which is right for them.
The Accelerated Reader Process:
- Students take a STAR reading test (four times a year) and are provided with a reading age and a ‘Zone of Proximal Development’ (ZPD) book level range to choose a reading book from.
- Students pick a book at their own level and read it at their own pace.
- When finished, students take a short quiz on the school-based AR website. Passing the quiz at 70% or higher is an indication that the student has understood what has been read.
The Accelerated Reader ‘reading practice’ quizzes provide the best indicator of a student’s reading ability as the quiz tests their understanding of the book they have just read. Dedicated reading sessions during English lessons provide teachers with time to prioritise reading and discuss quiz results with students. Ultimately, students who are reading books from within their ZPD and are passing their quizzes at 85% or higher should make the most progress.
We believe that it is vital that students who cannot read fluently catch-up rapidly.
Once identified, these students receive regular one-to-one or small group reading lessons delivered by teachers or our reading intervention tutors.
Students are taken out of lessons for 30-minute one-to-one sessions with a reading specialist up to six times a fortnight. The intervention timetable is designed so students are taken out of a range of subjects to minimise disruption to their learning.
We strongly encourage all students to read for pleasure throughout their time at school and we encourage and support students to develop their confidence and enjoyment in reading.
In Years 7 and 8 this is monitored by the English department with a programme called Accelerated Reader and students make full use of our well stocked library and knowledgeable librarian.
In addition to monitoring reading for pleasure and reading intervention, the English department sets homework in Years 7 to 9 to build and extend academic vocabulary. The department uses an online programme called Bedrock Vocabulary which is easy for students to use and teachers to monitor.
At home, students should have experience of reading fiction for around twenty minutes per day, in addition to any homework set by teachers.
- Ask your child about the book they are reading (Eg: What do you like about this character? How would you describe this character? What do you think will happen next? How do you feel about what has already happened? How do you think the character feels or will react? Are there any clues as to what will happen next?).
- Encourage your child to quiz on Accelerated Reader (AR).
- Discuss the results of your child’s quizzes by monitoring their results on AR.
- Help create a regular time and place so reading happens every week.
- Use www.ARbookfind.co.uk to ensure your child’s reading book is within their ZPD.
- Use our brand new Library app, Accessit, to help your child choose a book within their ZPD level.
- A subscription to an audio book library streaming service e.g. Audible can encourage reluctant readers – a great idea when travelling.
- Become a member of East Sussex Libraries.
- Read the same book as your child so you can talk about it.
The Library is open before school, at break, lunch and after school! Come and borrow books, do some research, finish your homework, buy some stationery, or just sit and read. Everyone is welcome.
Every student can access their own personalised library account just by logging on with their usual Beacon computer login details. This can be accessed anywhere and from any device: computer, smart phone, iPad or tablet.
Our virtual Accessit Library can be accessed using the link below or via the ‘links’ section of Edulink. Students are able to reserve, review and search for books.
Visit our virtual Accessit Library
Library events, activities and supplies
Our Library holds a range of fun events throughout the year. Previously, this has included writing competitions and World Book Day bonanzas! The Library also offers a wide variety of stationery and art supplies for students to purchase. All items must be paid for at the time of purchase. Please visit the Library for further information.
eBooks are permitted reading material at school and it is free to sign up to access an array of eBooks and other online library services from East Sussex Libraries here: https://www.eastsussex.gov.uk/libraries/.
Opening times
Our Library opening hours are:
- Monday to Thursday: 8:00am to 4:00pm
- Friday: 8:00am to 3:30pm