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Student Voice and Leadership

Every student at Beacon Academy has the opportunity to be involved in student voice. We believe that everyone must, in line with modern British values, be encouraged to actively participate in the development of the school.

We have an Academy Council which meets termly to discuss issues and ideas raised by all year groups. The items discussed at these meetings will have been generated from our students.

All students are encouraged to make suggestions or discuss topics at tutor group meetings. Each tutor group will then have an elected tutor group representative who will take any ideas or questions forward to a year group meeting.

Year group council meetings are held termly, chaired by the Head of Year or Assistant Head of Year. Ideas generated by the tutor group meetings are discussed here. Year specific action points are agreed and acted upon. Students elect two representatives from the year group to take their wider views forward to the Academy Council.

Students on the Academy Council represent their year group and work collaboratively with each other and members of staff, producing actions to follow up if necessary. The minutes or outcomes of these meetings are discussed at the highest level within our school, at Senior Leadership Team meetings and also with the Board of Trustees.

The aims of the student council at all levels are to:

  • enable student voice to be heard and responded to
  • enable students to voice concerns and make suggestions about aspects of school life that affect them, and their learning
  • allow for greater collaboration between year groups
  • undertake projects that help to take forward the development of Beacon Academy.

Pathways to leadership

Students at Beacon Academy have opportunities to develop their interpersonal and leadership skills through a number of school initiatives. To learn more about the options available, please view the document below.

Student Leadership Opportunities at Beacon Academy

The Student Leadership Team

Working alongside the Academy Council, the Beacon Academy Student Leadership Team are the school’s representatives who provide a voice for the student body.

A1 Senior Student Leadership Team 2025

Year 10 students are invited to make a formal application for the role of prefect with a series of written responses to questions. Those who are successful are invited to apply for senior roles of Senior Prefect, Deputy Head Student and Head Student with a written letter of application, followed by an interview with our Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, Head of Year and Head of Personal Development.

The Student Leadership roles have been designed to reflect the staff leadership structure at Beacon Academy, and the team will work together throughout the year to achieve whole school goals that they have decided to focus on for 2025. The team also work alongside our Academy Council, Year Council representatives, Student Ambassadors and Subject Mentors across the Academy. Other responsibilities of the Student Leadership Team include attending and supporting key events throughout the year, ensuring the ethos of Beacon Academy is upheld across the school and acting as a role model to others by promoting the Beacon values in all that they do.

Becoming a part of the Student Leadership Team allows students the opportunity to develop confidence, resilience and independence through public speaking, communicating with staff, mentoring and leading projects. Students are expected to take on these extra responsibilities whilst continuing to maintain high standards in their school studies.

Read about the appointment of our 2025 Student Leadership Team

Enrichment opportunities at Beacon Academy

We offer all students at Beacon Academy a wide range of extra-curricular opportunities and experiences outside of the classroom. These activities help young people to develop their interests and essential skills like teamwork, discipline and leadership, and promote social interaction and creativity. Find out more via the link below.

Visit our Extra-Curricular page