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Curriculum Intent

The A Level Geology allows learners to first assimilate a toolkit of geological skills and concepts, before developing their understanding through study of geological principles and application to relevant real-life contexts. Teaching of practical skills is integrated with the theoretical topics.

Teachers in the Geology Department are subject experts who persistently advance their knowledge. Our teachers are consistently researching, and learning more about the topics we teach. It is important that students see this quality in their teachers and that this is discussed with students. They debate the relevance of the curriculum and make changes where necessary to ensure that the content remains relevant and reflective of the community and country in which we teach.

Students develop essential knowledge and understanding of different areas of geology and how they relate to each other, to include civil engineering, engineering geology, hydrogeology, mining geology and petroleum geology. They develop through critical practice the skills, knowledge and understanding of scientific methods. They develop competence and confidence in selecting, using and evaluating a range of quantitative and qualitative skills and approaches, (including observing, collecting and analysing geo-located field data, and investigative, mathematical and problem solving skills) and applying them as an integral part of their geological studies. Students understand how society makes decisions about geological issues and how geology contributes to the success of the economy and society.

General Documents Date  
Geology Curriculum Overview 13th Sep 2024 Download