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Curriculum Intent

In Modern Languages at Beacon Academy we have designed a Modern Languages curriculum that uncompromisingly focuses on core knowledge of the language to be studied. At Key Stage 3 this covers the three strands of grammar, phonics and vocabulary which provide a solid understanding for subsequent study in the language. Through Key Stages 4 and 5, we build on the core knowledge acquired at Key Stage 3, in a carefully sequenced and progressive curriculum. Our curriculum is inclusive and ambitious for all the students we teach regardless of prior exposure to the language or their background. We educate not only about the language but about the culture of the countries in which these and other languages are spoken to encourage tolerance and understanding and a global perspective. We show the value of multilingualism and incorporate and celebrate those students that have home languages other than English. We offer enrichment opportunities to see language in action across all key stages, for example in our four residential trips. We celebrate and educate about key European and global events to ensure that students appreciate the wider perspectives offered by learning another language. We show also how the learning of a language can be of benefit to their future plans as well as provide an opportunity for students to explore links or find differences with their own home languages.

Our modern languages teachers are passionate, highly competent linguists, reflective practitioners and subject experts. Our teachers communicate enthusiasm and resilience to our students and share their own experiences of learning a language as well as educate about the cultures, traditions and customs of the countries where the language is spoken. The MFL teachers at Beacon form a close team and constantly work together to update schemes of learning to reflect the changing times that we live in. We carefully select authentic materials to support the learning intentions of our curriculum. We value literacy highly and students are exposed to written and spoken language from year 7. Our teaching strategies are founded in research and we constantly reflect, debate pedagogy and update schemes of learning together. We are responsive and will deliver content regarding current affairs of the countries we teach, e.g. sporting events and other newsworthy items.

Our students, including the most disadvantaged, together with those with SEND, will develop a knowledge of the core strands of the language and an understanding of the culture of the languages they learn. Throughout, they display the academic MARK values: motivated, articulate, resilient and knowledgeable. In learning about other languages and cultures they will learn to promote the core community MARK values of Manners, Acceptance, Respect and Kindness. At Beacon, our students are keen to share the passion of learning a language with visitors and families and partake in some of our extra-curricular offering including trips. Our students can articulate the patterns and language of the grammar learnt and are able to look for links to prior learning as well as reflect on the patterns of their own language.

General Documents Date  
German Curriculum Overview 13th Sep 2024 Download