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- Drama
Curriculum Intent
Students in Drama will develop a deep knowledge of the key practitioners, historical, political, and sociological context necessary to foster a love of drama and theatre. This will instill within students the confidence to take part in and understand the importance of performance whether it is acting or design.
Theatre explores a wide range of context; social, historical, and political. Drama at Beacon considers the history of theatre to be of great importance when recognising the progression of theatre as a subject. We proudly study a range of plays dating back to Ancient Greece right through to modern disciplines of style and structure. Students will approach the world of Drama as performer, director, and designer in a rigorous practical, hands-on way, which is carefully scaffolded to embed and deepen their theoretical and contextual understanding of the ways in which drama works.
How to develop their communication skills in order to progress with public speaking, oracy skills and literacy. Students will learn through performance and build confidence and self-esteem. This is important not only for their progression within Drama but across all subjects within their secondary life. Students will learn how to analyse and evaluate their own work and that of others, with the ability to complete this in written responses as well as verbalise them to the rest of the class. Within Drama students will learn to safely explore the different social, economic and diverse backgrounds of characters and real world people within discussion and performance setting, safely exploring a number of social, moral and political issues with a focus on creating different perspectives and understanding of others.
General Documents |
Drama Curriculum Overview |