School Uniform and Equipment
Changes to our uniform supplier and two uniform items
Please note that our school will be changing to a new uniform supplier from Sunday 13 July 2025 and replacing two uniform items - the skirt and the PE top. Please see our recent communication for further information about these changes.
All new Year 7 students, as well as other students joining our school from September 2025, are required to purchase the new skirt and the new PE top as part of their uniform for the school year ahead.
We will provide parents of new Year 7 students with all the necessary information as part of our transition process. In the meantime, you can find more details about our current school uniform policy, expectations, and information about our uniform supplier and second-hand uniform options below.
The uniform is based on student preference, it reflects our high standards, expectations, motto and core values and is designed with all students in mind and is smart, comfortable and economical.
Uniform is one of the outward signs by which the local community recognises our students and it is important that our students present themselves in a positive, professional way that conveys a disciplined and well-ordered learning environment. Smart uniform ensures that all students are prepared for work both in school and beyond. Students arriving at school without the correct uniform will be refused entrance and returned home at parents’ expense. It is parents’ responsibility to ensure that their child changes into appropriate school uniform so that they can be readmitted to school.
We expect parents to endorse these principles and support the school to ensure the uniform policy applies to every student in Years 7 to 11. All students are required to wear full school uniform whilst journeying to and from school, and whilst inside and outside the school buildings. The uniform should be neat and clean, communicating that our students take pride in belonging to Beacon.
Students in Year 11 have the option to wear a black jumper under their school blazer. The Sixth Form have a separate dress code, which is explained in our Sixth Form section.
Specialist subjects such as the Sciences, Art and Technology may require protective clothing, about which staff will advise students. If a student does not wear the recommended protective clothing, the school cannot accept responsibility for any damage to other clothing.
Uniform Supplier
Beacon Academy uniform can currently be purchased online from PMG Schoolwear. A number of basic uniform items can also be purchased from high street retailers specialising in school uniform. PMG Schoolwear can be contacted on 01895 809321.If you have any questions or concerns regarding school uniform ordering, please contact PMG Schoolwear directly via telephone on 01895 809321, or via their website.
Beacon Academy PMG pricing leaflet
Sew on blazer badges can be purchased directly from Beacon Academy via ParentPay.
Try Before You Order service
A ‘try before you order’ service is available to parents and carers via an after school appointment at Beacon Academy for their child to try on a selection of sample uniform prior to purchase online. Parents and carers of existing Beacon students are invited to call our main switchboard number to organise an appointment on 01892 603000.
Our reception team will arrange an appointment for you.
- Appointments are available from Monday – Friday 3.15 – 4pm, term time only.
- A parent or carer must attend the appointment with the child to try on the uniform.
- Once a size has been decided, parents then order the relevant uniform items from PMG Schoolwear, online directly, in the usual way.
- The school cannot order items on behalf of parents or students.
Beacon Academy has a fund set aside for the purchase of uniform where a family suffers financial hardship. There is no bureaucracy attached to this - a request to the Student Support Team is all that is necessary.
Beacon School Uniform and Equipment Policy September 2024
PRINTABLE Beacon Academy School Uniform and Equipment List September 2024
Second-Hand Uniform Provision
Beacon Academy have partnered with a local charity, Aspens, to support our parents, carers and families to provide a second hand Beacon Academy school uniform facility, within our local community. Aspens are located in the Fernbank Centre, Crowborough, where there is ample free parking available. Their opening hours are 9am-5pm, Monday to Saturday. Aspens’ telephone number is 01892 457041.
If you have any Beacon Academy uniform items that are no longer required, we would be very grateful if you could please take them directly to Aspens, marking the donations clearly as ‘Beacon Academy Uniform’. These donations will support other families in our community to source second hand school uniform items. Aspens are happy to take donations during their opening hours.
Aspens’ mission is to provide high quality care and support to individuals on the autism spectrum and with learning disabilities; meeting their needs and aspirations and empowering them to learn and grow through an integrated network of services across the South East of England. If you would like to learn more about the charity, please visit
The “Ready to Learn” Contract
All students are expected to arrive punctually each day from 8:30am correctly equipped for all lessons and ready to learn.
- Refillable water bottle filled with fresh water each day
- Bring the relevant exercise books and text books for the day
- 3 Pens (1x black, 1x blue, 1x red), pencil, sharpener and eraser
- Ruler
- Glue stick
- Scientific calculator Casio fx-83GT CW (fx – 991EX for GCSE)
- Maths set, including a protractor and compass
- White board pen
- Highlighter
- Reading book
- A pocket French / German dictionary (required on language days only)
- Headphones (wired) i.e. to fit the jack. Wireless headphones are NOT permitted in lessons
- PE kit (even if injured)
- Travel size hand sanitiser
- Packet of tissues
- Academic planner (optional)
Beacon Academy expects all students to be polite, co-operative and to show respect for all members of the community.
At the end of the day we all help others by leaving rooms tidy with chairs on desks.
Locker Rental at Beeches site and Green Lane (Sixth Form)
All lockers in the Academy are managed by an external company, Secure Locker Rentals.
To rent a locker for your child, please visit Secure Locker Rentals and select Beacon Academy as the location.
Please note - although there are lockers in a number of different locations around school, the lockers in our Art and Technology Block are reserved exclusively for students in Year 7.
Please click here for locker rental instructions from Secure Locker Rentals.
If you have any questions, please contact Secure Locker Rentals directly.